The Christian Science Bible lessons are new each week and are studied daily by Christian Scientists around the world. These inspiring excerpts from the Bible and from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy are also the basis for the Sunday sermon read each week in Christian Science churches. These Bible lessons are compiled many months in advance and produced in many printed forms by the Christian Science Publishing Society in Boston, Massachusetts. Studying the "lesson" each day is a wonderful spiritual feast that anyone is free to enjoy. Christian Science Reading Rooms, located around the world, always have these lessons available to read or to purchase for individual study. The weekly Bible lessons are not just for Christian Scientists, anyone and everyone is welcome to read and enjoy them each day. The lessons are full of spiritual insights, inspired thoughts, and loved stories from the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Her book helps to point the way to seeing the Bible in its inspired and healing context. Christian Science is all about healing and the lessons are meant to uplift thought to inspired latitudes, where a spiritual view can bring peace and healing. |